This is a gerneral post to all. Just got information from IBM info systems re: new virus "WATCH OUT" for "It Takes Guts to Say Jesus" Much worst than "Melissa" Some very sick individual has succeded in using the reformat function from Norton Utilities causing it to completely erase all documents on the hard drive . It has been designed to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explore It will DESTROY MACINTOSH, AND IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS. Very malicious, and not many people know about YET! Please pass along to all that care. Rgds, Craig
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Topic - WARNING Danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - mang53 17:48:06 12/15/04 (7)
- It is a hoax, and did not come from the head of IBM. - Duilawyer 19:52:01 12/28/04 (0)
- Use Break the Chain to investigate hoaxes like this. - Al Sekela 07:56:00 12/16/04 (0)
- *yawn* - Quest 20:17:45 12/15/04 (0)
- Jesus!!!!!! - hidingbehindmymoniker 18:08:44 12/15/04 (0)
- It's a hoax...not that Jesus would endorse such a thing [nt] - Wellfed 18:09:15 12/15/04 (0)
- Re: But, from the head of IBM...a hoax?????????? - mang53 18:33:03 12/15/04 (1)
- It's also known as the "Gullible" virus :-) (nt) - racerguy 18:36:03 12/15/04 (0)