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Not sure exactly what...

you are asking about the monoblocks and phasing. Yes, if one amp
has it's phase inverted relative to the other channel, then such
cancellation effects occur acoustically in the listening area.
naturally, the effect would depend on the room acoustics, speaker
placement, listening position, particulars of the recording played,
and etcetera. This even happens to some degree when the two stereo
channels, are NOT artificially inverted relative to each other.
Severe/complete cancellation is less common because of room
reflections and other acoustic variables I have found.
I think this is another one of those very complex subjects,
which appear superficially simple until one really starts delving
into it. It keeps life interesting --right?


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  • Not sure exactly what... - Thomas Martens 19:32:44 02/24/07 (0)

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