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Re: 300B recommendation for JE Labs monoblocks

Hi Jamie

If you want Chinese tubes specifically, I would perhaps try the SuperTNT 300B. Not mesh, but it appears to be designed for balanced sound and reliability.

As for the Chinese mesh, none are true mesh; they are pseudo-mesh / perforated plate. Some can handle the higher plate voltages, some can not. TJ / Full Music may be able to; Valve Art / Shang' probably can't. I am accessing my vague memory and I have never thought of running a 300B that high... just going on things I had a half interest in, so I could be mistaken.

Other options? For not crazy $$$, the JJ 300B (or perhaps better, 2A3 if you have 2.5V filament options) may be a okay. Good plate dissipation, pretty rugged, stable, and should last a while by recent accounts. The JJ may also add some life and transparency to the JE amp... though as always, it may not be to your liking.

Oh, do not be too concerned about not doing a search re 300B tubes - these things are changed, refined, and newly released quite frequently; batch quality varies. Things change. The SuperTNT tube is quite new, the JJ has been regularly refined, TJ releases new (ever more expensive) versions of their tubes regularly...


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