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Single Ended Triodes (SETs), the ultimate tube lovers dream.

Re: Crazy idea: Fi SET and Quad ESL57

Manuel - thanks for the trying this out and posting your comments. Thanks also for the nice comments on my current system.

I will probably end up trying this myself if I get the Quads. I don't listen too loud so that 8W would probably work for the Quads; 3.5W is cutting it a little short. But at least I can get one more SET amp then for the Quads :)

As for my setup - I am in a high-rise (just prefer living in the heart of the city) and there is never that much space. My listening corner is a very irregular shaped 12 x 12 feet, open to one side to an 18x12 room. Listening is about 7-8 ft from the speaker. In this small room the single drivers really help - no integration issues at all with the Abbys. Multiple HEF speakers like Klipsch Heresy, Cornwall etc. are difficult at this distance.

Nice to meet someone from Spain, I have been hoping to visit my uncle at the coast sometime, but never made it. Trips to Europe are always too short.

Very interesting system(s) on your side. How do you like the Museatex Bidat? If you ever need something taking care of since John Wright is here in Calgary let me know.

All the best from North America!


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Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)

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