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Single Ended Triodes (SETs), the ultimate tube lovers dream.

Re: Don't Worry About SETs

Thanks for the tips guys. This is exactly how I want to do it. I've heard what SETs can do. The Wyetechs in particular were incredible, but even the cheapest set of monos runs my entire budget for pre/amp and speakers. Art Audio is not far off from these prices either. What I hear with SET I have not heard anywhere else ever. Because of this I want to attempt to grab hold of this sound but if I can't manage well enough on this budget I had thought...maybe go P-P and worry about SET later in life. If what others are saying is true, that kits can get me close enough, and much cheaper than $5k with speakers, then this looks good to me!

In buying something now for the long haul, I want reliability. Both Reference 3A and Coicident recommend amps (well Divertech does for the 3A's) but they are all Antique Sound labs or rebadged AS amps and I've read far too many posts maligning the build etc. I'm not interested in dancing around repair shops in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years because of shoddy build. With DIY, I'm leary that I don't have enough experience (which is clearly the case) to properly build or maintain an amp. Not to mention my time is very limited. Going with Cary, Ear, Art Audio or Wyetech, with the reps they have built up, their gear should last me a decade without anything major going wrong.

Because I live in Canada, I want to try and stick with speakers I can easily listen to and/or ship. Both Reference 3a and Coincident are located here and I've heard them which makes life easier on this front.

I've had a few offers to come and listen to SETs by members who have read my thread and I'm hoping to contact them and take them up on their offer, this will definitely help me out. I'm into buying once and being happy for ages. I hate the upgrade cycle and I much prefer buying music. Doing so particularly with that child-like carefree mentality.

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