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Re: Thank you but aw crap, i meant 45 "A"?

the 45A was only ever made by Silvertone (Super Silvertone is how they were branded). The Rogers 45, however large the plates, were not branded or spec'ed as 45A's.

(Digression: however Rogers did make some interesting 45s, and interesting tubes in general... they marched to their own beat. THey had some really nice globe mesh plate 45s, plus some other interesting mesh plate globes, like the R15, which is sort of a mini-45 globe in a way... very unique and rare).

Indeed the 45A was spec'ed to higher ratings than the normal 45. I have a pair, but haven't gotten around to trying them out. They show up from time to time on Ebay, a pair sold there not long ago (for cheap $, considering how rare they are). I have a 45 afficionado friend who swears he thinks the 45A are the best, and has tried and used just about every type of 45.

Given that the 45A was only made by one maker AFAIK, and was not a registered type per se, it's not likely any of the other makers really gave it any thought or tried to use it to fill the gap between 45 and 50 as far as power output, etc. The tube that was somewhat designed to fill that gap was the 2A3 (which was sort of like 2 45s in parallel in the same bottle, at least with the later designs).

IMNSHO, the EML 45 pretty much blows away all the vintage types as far as sonics.


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