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Re: All experienced audiophiles were fooled by AR at the audio shows

>The reflections in the room have lot to do with the illusion of live music.

well yeah, they can destroy it.

>Almost all home listening rooms are too small to sound like we are hearing live music in a nightclub or auditorium {we almost always hear live music in large venues}.

i don't think it is size as much as the reflectivity of the boundaries.

>That problem has nothing to do with the analog vs. digital debate


> because even live music played in typical hi-fi rooms at home (few people have tried this) doesn't sound like a typical live concert!

That is true.

> There are too many early reflections and bass is very uneven in most home audio rooms.

or the room is too damped. Either way it is futile. But then if the playback room had similar acoustics to a concert hall it would be a bad playback room. they serve very different purposes and what is good for one is bad for the other.

>Of course with two-channel audio we have any room ambience in the recording coming at our ears from in front of us ... versus coming mainly from the sides and rear at a concert in a real auditorium.

That is true but it is low level information and is not as obviously directional as the acoustic information coming to us straight from the instruments. so while not perfect it can still go a long way towards creating an illusion of a large space in one's listening room. the bigger problem usually is the cues one gets from the sound of their listening room imposing itself over the ambient information on the recording. the ambient information on a recording, for it to be effective has to be at the right level which is ultimately a very low level. to get the sound of the listening room to not interfere with that, it has to be at a substantially lower level. that is hard to do in what is usually a reletively small space.

>Even more amusing is that most acoustic concerts are mono or near-mono unless you sit quite close to the performers.

No. Not even close.

> With amplified instruments (are there any other kind outside of classical music these days?)


> the music is mixed to mono for the PA speakers.

Sometimes but so what? I don't think any of us are using concert PA systems as a reference.

>The real issues are:
-Room reflections in small rooms at home versus in an auditorium

Almost. the real issue is listening room reflections v. the *recorded* reflections of the original venue.

>-Visual cues of people playing instruments (live or on video)

Live sure, they actually corelate with the aural information. Not so with video playback.

>-Mono or near-mono heard in concerts from most seats versus the artificial "stereo soundstage" created in a recording studio

Not so sure it is "artificial." It may or may not be *accurate* to the original event from a particular position within the venue but it certainly can come quite close with the right recording techniques.

>-The ability of home speakers to play at concert levels with low distortion

It is not about playing at concert levels but about playing at the levels heard from the intended perspective of the recording. This certainly is an issue with much jazz.

>- When we solve all the above problems, then the issue of analog versus digital deserves some debate:

It always deserves debate but not in such broad terms.

>Digital is a superior low-noise low-distortion format
Analog is for old geezers who can't hear noise and distortion.

There is a fine example of such broad terms. thank you.

>Both formats are easy to attack because they so rarely meet their potential -- the real enemy is recording and mastering engineers who do not try to give us high quality sound, not the formats themselves.

I agree with this whole heartedly.

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  • Re: All experienced audiophiles were fooled by AR at the audio shows - Analog Scott 23:14:12 04/06/07 (0)

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