In Reply to: Re: Roger Russels New Speakers posted by jneutron on October 26, 2006 at 06:58:42:
JN - Design:
12 independent cabinets of 10 4 inch drivers (off the shelf). Each cab will be wired to allow massive parallel (6 cabs per side), or independent drive (24 50 watt channels, each fed by a dsp block to allow spacial ITD/IID variation side to side as well as up/down.
10 independent lines of 20 tweets each. Same kind of feed system.
Horizontal directivity is two fold, physical rotation of each cab, as well as temporal phased array style if I drive it with individual amps under dsp control.
It'll also serve double duty, as I also want to use them for the back channels in a 450 seat venue, but do not have the distance from crowd I would need for a 12 inch driver runnin 400 watts. Using a large spread of smaller drivers keeps the spl much lower 6 feet from the cabs, so the people sitting in front of it aren't made's easy blowin them away with a single driver at high power, but that's not the desired end result.
Cheers, JohnThat sounds rather more complex than I would want to try LOL. Do post more info when it becomes a reality. Will you utilize the spatial ITD/IID to optimize a single fixed listening position or try to create a slighly larger listener(s) window?
Not too familiar with basements here LOL. Wish I had one.BTW, no one bit on my quadrupole question. You or any of the folks down the hall familiar with the acoustic behavior of the aforementioned? I may have to use the empirical method for the test subs and annoy the neighbors with some lovely test tones. Gated does me no good indoors, so I'll have to break out the ol RTA. The anechoic chamber overlooks the pond out back see....:-)
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