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RE: Less $$ Active Monitor Alternatives to Adam A7X / A8X?

Hi Pete 1,

For ‘home HiFi’ use the Adams are a that on the 'forward / upfront' side of the audio spectrum.
But since that is not so much of a problem too you, you might also have a listen too makes from Genelec.

However ‘Home HiFi users’ generally like a more balanced and ‘neutral’ sounding speaker, so I think it’s wise too have a listen too these:
- Neuman KH 120 A (adding a SUB is advised)
(Neuman is also formerly know as: Klein & Hummel)
- Focal CMS 50 (adding a SUB is advised: look at there CMS sub)
- Dynaudio’s BMA5 (adding a SUB is advised)

There are other Pro-brands that also sound very neutral and thus are very well suited for 'home hifi use', but they are out of the mentioned budget rage (Event Opals, PMC, ATC, Geithahn, PSI, Quested, etc)

Also have a very good look at the AVI ADM9T active speakers.
They are intended for home use and do sound very good (!)
The ADM9T’s have an extremely good price/performance IMHO

It’s always easy too spend somebody else’s money, but I think you should try and stretch your budget a little if possible. $ 1K is just too tight for 2 active speakers.

* About adding a SUB.
An extra SUB should NOT just ad some bass frequencies along with the satellite speakers.
An extra SUB should CUT OFF (‘filter’) low bass frequencies too the satellite speakers.
This way the satellite speakers do not have too produce these very low bass freq.
This will allow the satellites to produce a much better (lower) mid-rage.
The effect on sound quality is big, and can be easily heard with a demonstration.
So watch for these capabilities when buying an extra SUB.
The Focal CMS SUB is not so expensive, but has these capabilities.

Also check the Sound on Sound magazine.
SOS has good and unbiased reviews online about studio monitors.


NB: I’m familiar with all off the above mentioned speakers. Most I do hear on a regular base, or own them myself.

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  • RE: Less $$ Active Monitor Alternatives to Adam A7X / A8X? - hfavandepas 03:54:30 03/08/13 (0)


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