In Reply to: Recs. For 12AX7 Low Noise Good Sounding Tubes posted by AudioSoul on August 7, 2011 at 05:27:49:
... the best in my opinion is the ruthlessly neutral Telefunken. They are stronger than most 12ax7s, quieter, sound like they have a flatter frequency response, and are more "out of the way". They are also, predictably, the most expensive in many cases.
For me, the most enjoyable sounding 12ax7s in phono pres and line stages have been Amperex from the 1950s. Also enjoyable have been Mullards (old). RCA are supposed to be great but I have never found a great pair. Both AMperex and Mullard, however, seem to add some lovely euphonic tubey-ness to the sound, whereas Telefunken are almost robotically neutral.
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- For a mic pre... - hukkfinn 11:48:57 10/26/11 (0)