I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but here goes:
I have a pair of JBL EON 510 Active Speakers for being a DJ part time. I use a Microsoft ZUNE to power these self powered speakers. When I turn up the volume all the way on the Zune, it seems like the JBL Eons have more to give, but the Zune can't go any higher. My question is can I add a headphone amp between the Zune and the line in on the JBL speakers??? If so, which one would I want? I would hopefully want to keep this under $120 if possible?? Or would a headphone amp blow these things up???
Thanks in advance! Any help appreciated.
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Topic - RE: Please Help - RunnerD 05:30:47 09/16/10 (3)
- RE: Please Help - Scott Nixon 13:51:55 09/21/10 (0)
- RE: Please Help - Pro Sound Guy 12:47:58 09/17/10 (1)
- RE: Please Help - Bill Way 19:36:23 09/17/10 (0)