I have a mixer with extra "line-level" inputs only, and I have mics which need to go in somewhere.This site claims that an impedance matching adapter will step up the level:
http://www.tape.com/Bartlett_Articles/impedance.htmlSo, something like this...
...this will not only turn an XLR male into a 1/4" male, but it will actually step up the level, so the mic can drive a line level input, too?! Really?
BTW, I have limited success with a Sony powered condenser microphone trying to drive a line level input...it's loud enough...barely.
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Topic - Adaptor to take low-Z Mic output to 1/4" line level? - Ben 11:10:38 05/16/06 (3)
- Oh, wait. I think I see... - Ben. 11:22:24 05/16/06 (2)
- Re: Oh, wait. I think I see... - paulmpianist 14:11:42 05/29/06 (0)
- Levels..... - grhughes 06:23:17 05/17/06 (0)