In Reply to: Anyone heard about MC 2 1250 audio power amp? posted by opam on April 9, 2006 at 04:35:50:
Haven't had the joy of comparing MC2s to the amps you mention but I am listening to
an MC450 and a T500 as I type and I have to say that these are the best amps I have heard.
On the one hand I forget they exist on the other since I've got them I wake up and can't wait to power up my stereo :-)
The only drawback I've noticed is the fan cooling but this makes them so robust
that they will run at full tilt for weeks on end. In my experience they are better then Brystons and (at least in uk) about half the price.
FWITW Andy Munro of Munro Acoustics, formerly DynaudioAcoustics (he went on his own merry way when Dynaudio got swallowed by TC Group and was so forced to use LabGruppen amps) speccs only MC2 and Chord amps.
From what I gather Chords are better in the treble but MC2s win the battle of the bass.
Their clarity, control and the way they handle transients is second to none!
That said they are by no means bad for treble; the T500 is easily better then the Quad520
it replaced for treble duties. Airy and smooth yet very revealing and again the way they handle transients gives even treble 'grunt'!Bottom line is if you are ok with fan cooling MC2 amps are one of the biggest bargains in audio available.
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Follow Ups
- Re: Anyone heard about MC 2 1250 audio power amp? - b.l.zeebub 05:17:20 04/17/06 (0)