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Look on the bright side

Hey don't despair.

I've done some experimental recording of SACD and DVD-A to add digital tracks from these formats to my PC audio server (which can play files at up to 32/192.

Re-recording a *really good* analog signal at 24/192 or 32/192 is not too shabby at all! ;)

Think about it. Hard drive space is cheaper than ever - and you could have an entire collection at ONE bit depth and sample rate, which means you could even design custom digital filters specifically for your playback system.

If you can't have the "perfect bits", a recording of a really good analog signal is not so bad - plus there are no jitter issues when you re-sample an analog signal! ;)

Although I am sure the RIAA Nazis are working on adding encryption to analog recording devices, for now you can still to this day record pretty much anything that you can amplify in the analog domain.

Don't sell that old Revox or Tascam reel to reel just yet! ;)


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  • Look on the bright side - Presto 22:09:47 09/07/06 (0)

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