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Re: Tanscendent T8 with 12 ooutput tubes

One thing, the fuses need to be changed for the higher current capabilities.
As info: I arranged my output tubes in banks of three tubes, each bank with its own bias arrangement and fuse. Unfortunately that doubles the number of coupling caps too. It´s more flexible that way. If I lose one bank I get 0,5V DC on the output, which is not much. Normally DC offset is within +/- 10 mV and drifts slowly. The T8 output stage is very stable, I have had no trouble at all except for one tube that went bad. I just swapped the tube with glowing red anode, readjusted the bias and that was it. No trouble with harming the speakers.
I use PL519, 40V, 0,3A heater. 6 in series can be connected to 230V AC from the wall. No hum.

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