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In Reply to: RE: That's very cool, Zero Cool.. posted by Lew on June 06, 2008 at 07:32:17
What confused me was the staement:
The 350M design at its simplest is a two-stage tube OTL voltage amplifier with a six-tube output buffer. The tubes form a functional mini amplifier within an amplifier, producing 13 watts at 500 ohms,
Then later:
Finally, while MOSFETs are not perfect, they do not suffer from frequency and phase-related problems. In the 350Ms they supply no voltage gain. Their sole purpose is to provide current and convert 500 ohms to a more reasonable 8 ohms. Apply the corresponding mathematics, convert the power from the tube stage and you have essentially the output power of the 350Ms. This amplifier really is in many ways an OTL amp driving two large buffers.
I initially took this to mean that the tubes were what was driving the output directly and that the mosfet stage was somehow also connected. either in parallel or some other type of system. The QSC/Carver Class H stage seemed to make perfect sense of what they were describing. but after re-reading most of the article now im a bit confused myself....
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