In Reply to: Good pick-up posted by Lew on November 21, 2008 at 07:03:04:
Ok - good observations all. Thanks Cousin Billy for the linestage snapshots!
As Lew correctly notes, the 6SN7 closest to the front panel in each channel has the greatest impact of all the 6SN7s on the MP-1's sonics.
I realize its kinda hard to see in my pic, but that front-most 6SN7 in each channel is different from the other 6SN7s. That's because its a '40's Ken-Rad VT-231. You can kinda see the black glass. These work well in this spot. There's that famous K-R bass, and its generally articulate and clear, and offers a wee touch of sweetness in the mids. The pic is from October '07, the MP-1 had been in-house for about 4 months, and I had just recently begun experimenting with different tubes. Today, I'm running '52 Sylvania 6SN7GTs in the linestage position. Those yield a wonderful dimensionality to images - both 3-D and front-to-back - and the top end has slightly fuller timbre. (Lucia Popp is to die for with this tube. :-) Also today, I use Herbie's dampers on the line-stage position and on the constant current source 6SN7s (middle of the board) - these really work well. (Also using the Herbies on 3 of the 12AT7s in each channel.)
Wrt the different 6SN7s (brown base in the left channel, metal base in the right)... those are all stock Atma-Sphere supplied modern Chinese 6SN7s. I don't know if they are from the same Chinese supplier - besides the bases, the labeling is different, though internal construction looks pretty much the same. Regardless, in those positions I can't tell much difference between brown base and metal base. They are different right and left because I had been gifted a batch of the brown base tubes from a friend who had gotten an extra large lot with his MA-2 amps and I had been checking them out.
Between the MP-1 and the MA-1 MK.IIIs that's 20 6SN7s. I wish I had enough NOS to run in all those positions with plenty to spare for the future, but I don't. So the 8 Chinese in the MP-1 are where I picked to compromise. Cheers!
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Follow Ups
- RE: Good pick-up - JTimothyA 20:53:25 11/21/08 (1)
- RE: Good pick-up - Lew 07:57:40 11/22/08 (0)