And sure enough, that's what it was. That channel's output stage bias had dropped to -80V whereas the other one was still right at -62V, within 5% of where I set it at least five years ago. It appears likely that pushing the OTL hard into the 4-5 ohm load of the Basement Blasters may be precipitating parameter shift in one or more of the tubes in that channel (being fully dc coupled, everything potentially interacts here & many of the tubes have been operating in the amp for the full 16 years I've been running it), although the other channel's bias has remained unchanged.
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Topic - Finally got my OTL apart to check suspected bias shift in one channel - Tom Dawson 09:00:55 10/28/04 (4)
- Re: Finally got my OTL apart to check suspected bias shift in one channel - Lew 10:07:53 10/28/04 (3)
- Re: Finally got my OTL apart to check suspected bias shift in one channel - Legendre 14:08:46 10/28/04 (2)
- Re: Finally got my OTL apart to check suspected bias shift in one channel - Tom Dawson 09:59:26 10/29/04 (1)
- Updates - Tom Dawson 08:48:26 11/05/04 (0)
- Re: Finally got my OTL apart to check suspected bias shift in one channel - Tom Dawson 08:39:40 11/05/04 (0)
- Bias & Offset Circuits updated - Tom Dawson 09:02:02 11/04/04 (0)
- Re: Finally got my OTL apart to check suspected bias shift in one channel - Tom Dawson 13:39:10 11/03/04 (0)