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OTL, Output Transformerless Amplifier User Group.

Where do I order?

Actually, I would be more interested in Option 1 than in a 6AS7-only tester....as I believe most others would be as well. The reason being that, although many or all of us already have testers (in my case, an H/K TT-1a), in many cases those testers are showing their age.

While I have replaced aging caps and sundry other components in mine and know it to be properly calibrated, many others are using testers with aging componentry which in many cases are dodgy at best. Not to mention the added convenience of not needing to drag out two different testers to check your entire complement.

I might also mention (since we're presently only brainstorming on this) that...if one were to to do this, it would be best to do it right. In other words, not just transconductance of each individual triode...but also simple tests for things like grid current leaks, heater cathode leaks (something I have found a great number of new 6SN7EH tubes suffering from fresh out of the box), and etc, at operational currents and loads.

Yes, I know...asking for the moon.


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  • Where do I order? - Simon Templar 23:59:16 11/23/04 (1)

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