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Re: Agree with others . . .

Yes, I too agree with others.

No AC conditioning is used for amps in either system . . .
Good, stiff high current (30 amps-each MA1se and 60 amp-No.336), direct (if possible).
The outlets for my amps are only 12 feet from the box : ) No AC-line sagging in these parts.

I have been really surprised by benefits of separating front ends from my amps, in both systems.

I do use PS Power Ports (great! AC outlets - awesome value) or would at least, recommend
(as Rushton : ) 'appropriate AC links'. I've budgeted to purchase and experiment more with
different types of AC cables, will post more on this later.

My AC cables are reasonably priced and have benefit the main system, MP1 and MA1 SE. http://virtualdynamics.ca/products/POW/PW3
I have also been using a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet on MP1 and front ends.
Pretty cool (must have) devices!

**For record - my NYAL OTL3s really benefit (are more *stable*)
from Ultimate Outlet, I am assume corrected hi-freq AC line issue?
Any ideas on this one???

Sort of NOT RELATED - SS gear may be different???
I have owned (updated) and used PS Audio P300 (since it came out)
on my Levinson DAC and Preamp - I love IT!

Fabulous first hand experiences with these possibilities when used reasonably.

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  • Re: Agree with others . . . - Mike Mount 19:23:32 10/28/04 (0)

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