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OTL, Output Transformerless Amplifier User Group.

Re: This site would be even better...

As long as those articles and tips are available along with the bbs records. But those articles are images and html. I believe that AA FAQ items are often links to other pages when it comes to html so the old ASOG stuff would still have to be posted/hosted somewhere. If it turns out they won't be stored on an AA server can you let me know and I'll make copies of them.

BTW, how come otlamp is not accesable at all anymore? Last week the bbs was disabled, but the rest of it was available. That makes it pretty hard to copy what a fellow wants.

BTW, if a MUG board was for Maggies, then what was wrong with ASOG being (mostly) associated with atma-sphere (the most successful otl amp company ever). I don't get this rationale. I think ASOG should still exist. It was a fantastic forum that nurtured all kinds of ideas for tweaking and modifying atma-sphere equipement and I don't see that an OTL forum here will every amount to anything that ASOG was in that respect. I can't believe ASOG is the casulity here. Why don't you open up the ASOG bbs again and ask if the members would like to take over support?

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  • Re: This site would be even better... - bryan 17:51:18 10/25/04 (0)

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