In Reply to: S-30 posted by Kevin on January 14, 2002 at 11:59:50:
Having owned both amps, I can say without question that I much preferred the S-30. While I fully understand the appeal of the Dynas, the S-30 is a much better (i.e. more accurate) amplifier in my opinion. However, if you are hooked on warm, lush mids, don't bother. Any Atma-sphere amp will disappoint you in that regard. On the other hand, if you are looking for extended frequency extremes, wonderful timbral balance, and a great soundstage, look no further.I can't answer the question of the match with 57s quite so specifically, as I own ESL-63s. The S-30 by itself was excellent with the 63s, but the addition of Paul Speltz's ZEROS improved the sound all around. I understand that the ESL-57 shows an even more drastic impedance drop, so the ZEROS could be expected to provide an even greater improvement.
I have since sold my S-30 in favor of M-60s, by the way, but only because I wanted the extra power and because it allowed me to get rid of speaker cables entirely. At low to mid volumes, there seems to be little, if any, difference between the two amps.
Hope this helps.
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Follow Ups
- Re: S-30 - Mike Currie 12:52:07 01/14/02 (0)
- Re: S-30 - F.S. 11:20:12 02/03/02 (0)