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OTL, Output Transformerless Amplifier User Group.

Re: my error

Lew, if you don’t understand me perfectly, it may have two reasons:
1. My English knowledge is to week, especially to discuss technical text.
2. I’m not the developer of this amp, I’m just a user, with very little knowledge on technical details.
I try to write what I know of my amp. I don’t know how the amp works, I know only the parts used in it.
The parts (in one monoblock) are the following:

2x WE417a
2x Bendix 6900
2x Mullard 6688 (E180F)
1x Tungsol 5687
2x Cetron 7241
2x Tungsol 7242

It uses Johnson sockets for the big tubes, and Yamamotos for the others, Black Gate electrolitics, Jensen paper in oil silver foils caps, Shinkoh tantal resistors, Van den Hul MCS-1000 internal cable, WBT connectors, custom made power transformer.

Yes, I can also use this amp without the 2x7242, or replacing the two 7242s with two 7241.
Tubes 7242s start to work above 10 watt only, and if I replace them with 2x7241, it sounds a bit dull relative to the original version. I do not know how the amp works with these mixed tubes, I’m not an expert in electric circuits.
The 6535/6528 pairs has similar effects.

The sonic difference beetween the 6C33 and 6336/ 6528 is rather large, while the 7241/7242 version not radically differs from 7241/7242.

Yes, I have no long term experience of the reliability of 7241/7242 tubes. But the 6336/ 6528 tubes are very reliable ones, while Russion tubes are definetelly not.

My original question was where can I by additional 7241 & 7242 tubes ? Any suggestion ?


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  • Re: my error - kolbay@axelero.hu 23:34:49 10/21/04 (0)

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