High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

RE: Awaiting new Klipsch La Scala AL6 with active DSP crossover

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I concur with your findings. I have had similar experiences, designing speakers since I was 12 years old, and finally getting a bank loan to afford Klipschorns with a center LaScala at 23, as a newlywed with a very understanding wife.

My list of speakers would be too long. I did stray from horns with Carver Amazing Platinums (Mk I, II, and III) that were the "other end of the spectrum" technology wise with Planar Magnetics.

They had an exaggerated 3-dimensional presentation which I liked, but you can't have dynamics with 82 db/Watt speakers, even with a Kilowatt Amplifier.

Nothing can touch horns done right. PERIOD. My benchmark setup has been Danley SH-50's with TH-50 Subs as "speaker stands" with the ability to do 2.3 and 7.4.3 at the touch of a button. My 22 foot Super Tapped Hown has rear room duties for a perfect bass balance at the sweet spot, down to the low Teens, going on 10 years now. With Edgar Titan II's in the basement until just recently.

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