High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

RE: Biggest Con is that recordings were made NOT using horns

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Recordings are not made with horns and never had been - they are made with musical instruments.

The sound is picked up by microphone and recoded on tape or digitally. After that, the studio engineer will do his best to iron out the wrinkly bits and any other nasties he finds on the recordings and mixes the tracks to create master recordings that are sent to pressing and streaming houses. The engineer uses his ears but the speakers will be flat, whether horns or not.

In fact this flatness is the reason studio monitors often sound pretty unsatisfactory in the home. As one engineer rather tongue-in-cheek remarked "studio speakers are designed to sound bad, whereas domestic speakers are designed to sound good". By this he meant that studio speakers need to highlight all the warts that the engineer has to sort out in the editing.

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