In Reply to: RE: The Pros and Cons of Horn Speakers posted by lindsayt on September 13, 2024 at 18:29:00:
I just added a second, 22 cubic foot Tapped Horn (Danley TH-50) to go underneath my SH-50 Synergy Horn speakers.
They are "speaker stands" that make some scary bass with a $199 behringer A800 amplifier. They have 97 db sensitivity will move furniture at 120 decibel levels down to the teens.
I also have a Super Tapped Horn (21.2 ft long) in a 6 foot tall cabinet that gets down to 10 Hz. in my small living room.
All speakers need subwoofers and great bass is not cheap. Most people don't even know what they are missing.
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Follow Ups
- RE: The Pros and Cons of Horn Speakers - 16:47:07 09/14/24 (0)