High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

RE: sims for a TQWT for a JBL D-130 ?

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"What I wanne build is a voighthorn or a conical pipe about 1,8-2,4 m with a start at 0,7 of the conearea and about 3 times bigger at the end but with a reduced outlet so I can tune it in to the room.I like to place the driver at 1/3 of the length
Is this not a good idea with a low Qt driver"

A 2m pipe can take you down to 50 Hz easily enough but not with that low a Qts. Think of a tapered line as the inverse of a horn, in both the direction of the taper and the suitability of the driver. Low Qts high sensitivity drivers work well in horns, low Qts low sensitivity drivers work well in tapered pipes. The better the driver models in a horn the worse it is in a TQWP, and vis-versa.

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