Home High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

Need speakers that can rock with just one watt? You found da place.

It's a smallish L room, but the front wall has two big sliding doors and fires into the entrance room and a LONG hall.

there is some room gain, but that length allows for smooth bass with fewer big dips and peaks. We usually listen with the doors opened a bit, which increases 3D depth just a bit too.

I don't listen all that loud.

Most of my listening is acoustic music and I sit almost-in the near field!

They are pretty amazing drivers too - for their time - follow the URL here, that I posted in the 'long initial post'. (NO LP, as it dies nice and clean above about 3.4k, and very open-throated.)

And, there will be two running, from 200 or so on down. There's another one in the main pr of spheres (38hz F3 QB3) although it may get tuned a bit higher up, say about 55-60 or a bit higher, to avoid the room's own lump at 40hz, semi-sealed and 2nd order roll-off!

And, I certainly will be posting piccies,

And, some of the 'FR/Kitchen's TV and HT sytem' - FE103's in small OB's' plus '10 inch bass-bins' as fronts. The rears? will be FE103's in two-layer-MDF 9 litre Rb's. And I have 3 spare 103's - for a centre, and extra surrounds!! IF it sounds better with a centre, which I doubt,as the front drivers are only 4 plus feet apart! BTA it might help with 5.1 movies, crisper dialogue!?.

I hope to install these new fronts - 'OB's and bins' - next week!

Round tuit probs!!!


Timbo in Oz
The Skyptical Mensurer and Audio Scrounger

And gladly would he learn and gladly teach - Chaucer. ;-)!

'Still not saluting.'

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  • It's a smallish L room, but the front wall has two big sliding doors and fires into the entrance room and a LONG hall. - Timbo in Oz 16:31:31 03/09/07 (0)

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