A few months ago some mad genius figured out a jailbreak for a BluRay player that I happen to have in a second system - Oppo BDP-93. So I finally got around to trying to rip some SACDs to DSD using the hackish method that Kal R. and others around here have been enjoying and writing about for several years. After a couple of false starts, I got it to work using the SACDExtractGUI program on my 2014 MacMini. I started with a Mahler box set from the SF Symphony conducted by MTT that was a gift from my wife a few years ago. I'm listening to it now in DSD using Roon through my Holo DAC. Sounds nice.
The process has been through a lot of development over the last eight or so years, and parsing through all the old stuff to find the current SOTA was a labyrinth. It was a fun little puzzle, and I'm enjoying listening from my library with my main system rather than the analog output from the SACD player. The best info can be found at HiFiHaven, see link below.
If you have been thinking about buying an older used player to do this, check out the continually growing list first. You may find that you already have one that is capable.
. . . in theory, practice and theory are the same; in practice, they are different . . .
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Topic - Ripping SACDs - tlea 19:39:06 09/17/24 (0)