Sorry if these are dumb questions but I don't quite get it;I have equipment capable of 24/192 but where do I find music recorded at this high resolution? I don't have SACD capability so I am stuck with PCM.
I understand DVD-A is sometimes 2 channel at this rez but you can't rip it to a pc at high rez because of copy right limitations?
I though Music was high rez but they just say in their FAQ section that they are CD quality - I assume it is still 16/44?
When people say they have pc files at 24/96, where did they get them? Are these their own digitized analog files?
Will I realistically ever be able hto download 24/96 files to my computer?
BAsically I am trying to figure out to go Sonos or pc/sound card. the sound card is high res capable but if I can't get source material and have to play DVDA through a seperate DVD player,what's the point?
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Topic - Help me understand high rez - topher_m 05:01:59 01/17/07 (1)