Wondering which are the best for classical music, especially symphonies, concerti, and solo piano. I have been considering Sennheiser HD800 and Fostex TH900, in addition to Grado 1000i.I will be using them with Bryston BHA-1 amp and Marantz SA7 player, with balanced connectors.
Comfort is also very important, and closed vs. open does not enter into the equation.
I have no way to audition these, so need to rely on those who have used them.
Edits: 02/28/14
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Topic - Best headphones for classical music - merlinus 16:14:49 02/28/14 (15)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - markheadphonium 15:56:14 04/27/14 (0)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - avraham@gbis.com 21:29:43 04/16/14 (1)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - Bill Way 12:13:57 04/17/14 (0)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - Capt. Z 03:07:27 03/11/14 (1)
- On the K501... - genungo 06:59:56 03/11/14 (0)
- Avoid anything that sounds too bright... - genungo 08:21:33 03/10/14 (0)
- HD800 for classical - mbnx01 22:17:16 03/09/14 (0)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - Frank I 13:23:11 03/05/14 (0)
- Get on the phone... - Audio Snob 09:00:04 03/02/14 (0)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - Thorsten 21:43:07 03/01/14 (0)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - Travis 16:33:07 02/28/14 (4)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - merlinus 19:58:07 02/28/14 (3)
- don't underestimate HD600 - DrChaos 23:05:11 03/01/14 (1)
- RE: don't underestimate HD600 - pbarach 12:10:34 03/02/14 (0)
- RE: Best headphones for classical music - Travis 06:31:03 03/01/14 (0)