Hi all:
I've always owned a pair of headphones but only sporadically used them to listen to loud music late at night. My current pair is an AT ATH-AD700. But I'm having a problem that I hope I can solve with headphones.
Recently we've 'down-sized' from a house to an apartment with lots of neighbors, and even though I thought I did my due diligence about sound-proofing, looks like I was wrong.
I'm getting complaints from neighbors, especially below, while watching movies. I have Dynaudio left, right, and centers (no surrounds) and a Velodyne sub. L, R, and sub are set on rubber pads, and I am listening at what I thought were very moderate levels. I suppose I could turn off the sub but hey, when does it end?
I'm using at modest HT receiver, a Denon 2308CI to drive these.
So I was wondering if I should get a headphone amp and two sets of headphones, which we could use to watch movies. Another advantage I can see would be that my wife and I could control the volume independently since I tend to like things a bit louder than her.
Any recs on a middle of the road setup? By which I mean a few hundred bucks for an amp and a couple of pair of headphones (or should I just get a second AT AD700)
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Topic - I need headphone help! - denton 10:34:50 04/23/12 (24)
- Possible problem using headphones with TV - genungo 12:19:56 04/28/12 (2)
- RE: Possible problem using headphones with TV - denton 14:49:15 04/28/12 (1)
- RE: Possible problem using headphones with TV - genungo 15:02:51 04/28/12 (0)
- I have read that Magnepans can be good at not transmitting through floors and walls. - orpheus 23:34:43 04/27/12 (1)
- RE: True - genungo 12:37:02 04/28/12 (0)
- It's the sub! - jedrider 11:18:03 04/26/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - denton 15:08:50 04/24/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Chuck Y 09:34:56 04/24/12 (12)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Pat D 14:23:35 04/26/12 (11)
- RE: I need headphone help! - RGA 22:51:23 05/20/12 (1)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Pat D 09:23:31 06/09/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Chuck Y 12:39:01 04/27/12 (6)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Pat D 15:30:33 05/05/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Travis 15:33:22 04/27/12 (4)
- WA3. nt - Chuck Y 16:03:12 04/27/12 (3)
- RE: WA3. nt - Travis 16:47:35 04/27/12 (2)
- RE: WA3. nt - Chuck Y 08:41:55 04/28/12 (1)
- RE: WA3. nt - Travis 10:55:52 04/28/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - mojofoto 17:43:52 04/26/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Travis 15:40:17 04/26/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - Pat D 08:29:31 04/24/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - AlanM1 06:43:42 04/24/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - pbarach 14:02:08 04/23/12 (0)
- RE: I need headphone help! - noway 13:57:03 04/23/12 (0)