Critic's Corner

King Straw Man, Perhaps?

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About the last thing I want to do is be a defender of Audio Research. You're Mr. Straw Man with stuff like that. But wasn't it you, in initial post, saying that some consultant should read what you said? Or was it YOU who wanted to be that consulted.

As I said in a post, I don't know exactly why they're in receivership under the current crew -- yes, we agree on that -- though I could guess about many reasons.

But I'm not going to guess publicly when I really don't know. But you? You're in there with wild conspiracy theories about Ghost Meters and multi-colored amplifiers being the culprit. Oh, and prices, too.

All these things were in place long before the takeover by the newest management. Furthermore, the same sort of strategies were put into place in Sonus Faber and McIntosh -- with wild success. The same crew members who led Audio Research up to the takeover are still in charge at those companies. And from what I can tell (I was just at Munich's High End visiting them), those brands are doing extremely well.

Why I waded into here was I saw your initial post about the Audio Research demise -- which I saw riddled with so many inaccuracies that if you told me that the sun would be setting in the evening and rising in the morning, I'd be up and looking outside just to make sure. Honestly, you should put a disclaimer on those types of posts that everything written is purely guesswork and likely not to be true.


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