Planar Speaker Asylum

RE: Tri-amping T IV-A's with tubes?

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On my T-IV the two bass panels are different. One is a 'low' panel, and the second one is a 'mid-bass' panel with tuned sections for the higher low frequencies. I'm not exactly sure how high the mid panel goes but it -could' be semi-full range (up to maybe 5kHz?) if a frequency sweep was done to determine it's properties. Putting my ear next to it while playing music tells me that there is -some- higher frequency sound coming out of it, but probably largely blocked out by the low pass crossover.

My thought/potential plan was to separate the two drivers by disconnecting the wires going to the mid-bass panel from the low-bass panel. That give the option for powering them individually, which would set up a tri-amp if you kept the T-IV midrange/tweeter paired, or quad-amp if you split the mid/tweeter and amped them separately as well.

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