AudioAsylum Trader
Tape Trail

Reel to reel, cassette and other analogue tape formats.

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Original Message

Con bay!

Posted by Reel Guy on October 7, 2007 at 19:29:26:

Do not trust this advert in ebay! Item number: 190158648239 offering you an upgrade so you can connect your hi-fi using usb. Even if this is a genuine advert anyone can simply connect their hi-fi by simply connecting the output of their tape deck to the imput of the sound card and record using windows media player so still no additional software to install. Who is the person trying to con? and what a rediculous price to pay. Also anyone who owns a pc would not find it too difficult to install one disc such as audio cleaning labs and once installed can modify the quality to suit their needs at will. Sorry but these kind of adverts distress me because they take advantage of the vunerable people out there who may think they are gaining something and paying through the nose for it when infact what they are seeking is already available to them. There should be easier methods to convict those criminals who abuse ebay.