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Original Message

Thanks DaveC: looking forward to your comments

Posted by Sordidman on September 20, 2008 at 20:23:03:

Couple of quick ones....

1. Never meant to imply that JD was successful, but, they were excited about their business, art, and upcoming tour(s)...

2. Not so sure that Ian needed "grounding" others would know better.

3. The main point that I was trying to make was that JD and Ian's story was far more than his whining wife, and the love triangle. Bernard and Ian were far, far, closer friends, and shared more ideas, than was portrayed. Again, I too want to stay away from the whole suicide thing: I only brought it up as another point that Deborah glossed over that and didn't dig deeper in regard to that either...


If you think you're going to faint, go out in the hallway