Tweakers' Asylum

RE: Attack attack attack

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I tested the Green Pen and it works, you can put your mind at ease. I explained the shortcomings of the Green Pen already, maybe it was over on the other Green Pen thread. And I developed a superior device - the perfect solution, if I do say so myself - that absorbs all wavelengths of scattered light, not just visible red. Thus the invisible part of the CD laser is absorbed, and that's the majority of the nominal 780 nm laser.

Other colors can be used on CDs besides green. Because the colors of the paint on the CD label influence the sound by interfering with the scattered light, further improvements to SQ can be obtained by careful application of other colors. And black should only be used to mark the inner lip of the CD, never on the outer edge.

Edits: 06/27/23   06/27/23   06/27/23

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