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I'm curious in the past 40 years if anybody ever published a test with calibrated measurements of the green or what ever color pen is used on the CD edge.Now I know countless people have heard a difference and I don't want to debate that. I'm quite sure they did hear a difference.
But if there is truly a difference, we should be able to measure it!
Now some will say that not everything can be measured. I'll give that some slack for an all analog system from microphone to speaker. However this is a digital recording. By the very nature of digital audio, it already has been measured. The instantaneous voltage of the analog audio signal has been measured 44,100 times a second. If there is a audible difference, the exact sample value will have to be a different number at the same point. Jitter buffers, error correction, does not matter. If you capture the SPDIF output and compare in a DAW, there has to be a difference if a difference is heard. The player processing jitter would be the same so if it's different from the "green pen" playback, that too can be measured on a DAW.
So where's the beef?
Edits: 06/20/23 06/20/23 06/20/23Follow Ups: