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Here my excellent experience with Mapleshade brass cones...

Hello there: during the last few years I have been trying several isolation vibration systems under my components, speakers and subwoofer, including Walker Audio and many others, with mixed results. Now I have my speakers (Ambience Superslim 1800se speakers) over a set of 4 Threaded Megafeet and my Velodyne DD-15 Subwoofer over a 4" thick mapleshade platform, with three Megamounts on top of it and four Threaded Megafeet screwed at the buttom of it. The results are beyond my highest expectations: a much better mid range, a smoother treble and a deeper and better focused bass; the overall presentation becomes much natural, realistic and vivid, without any excess of brightness. Very expensive, that's true, but I don't know nothing comparable to those extra heavy behemooths (weighting more than 7 pounds each one). Those Massive Brass cones could be known as "The Mother of the Brass Cones". I have also my McCormack DNA225 "Platinum Edition" over three of those Mega mounts with great results as well. Best, Antonio Machado.

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  • Here my excellent experience with Mapleshade brass cones... - Antonio Machado 08:17:52 02/17/07 (0)

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