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I always fall back on my education

which is another reason why I might be wrong. But never mind physics as the snake oil pundits preach. Some things cannot be explained by physics. I love that one.
In the past I have done without fuses altogether. After determining that the component I'm de-fusing is reliable, I replaced the fuses with cut aluminum (5mm) and copper (1/4 inch) tubing I bought at a hobby shop. I'm almost certain I heard better dynamics and transient attack from the lowered "ESR". But maybe I'm wrong. Who the hell knows?
As a snake oil vigilante, I feel that it is my obligation to give back and fight the snake oil onslaught. Tweaks are sometimes good and sometimes bad. I hate to see people ripped off by useless tweaks. I'll fight this fight forever because I was once young and believed that if it was being sold, it must be true. I'll fight this fight until the day I die.
As for the fuse tweak I can only say an audible improvement is impossible imo. Physicists correct me if I'm wrong.

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