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A Simple High Pass filter?

I will be passively biamping my system with the built in crossover on the speaker with a tube amp for the high end and SS on the bottom. Striking a balance between the two is not an issue. However, since tube amps prefer to see a full load on their output assuming they recieve a full (20 - 20K) signlal at their input, I would like to construct a simple plug in passive high pass filter for the inputs (two mono amps)so those amps will only see above 100-120Hz or so at their input.

Instead of modifying the amp directly, I would prefer to have a plug-in that can be easily removed and used elsewhere if needed.

I am unsure of the cap and resistor value to be used, and of the actual simple schemaic of such. I have a good idea, but since I do not do this a lot, I want to ask to be certain.

Also, if someone could recommend a high quality brand for this application and for each component I would greately appreciate it. Thank you.


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Topic - A Simple High Pass filter? - housteau 09:48:26 02/07/07 (7)

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