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I know nothing about Cardas ICs, sorry.

IIRC, the GR caps are metallized-'propylenes plus some Teflon dielectric added, maybe in the Golden Ratio, for whatever good that does.

I find them to be very clean and detailed while also smooth (= NOT edgy or grainy), and tonally neutral and 2nd only to the SoniCap Platinum. I've used them as couplers in poweramps and in speaker systems; mine are always the solid-core leads because I like the idea and sound of solid-core (v. stranded) conductors.

Here are 4 pairs in my ASL Hurricanes along with SoniCap Platinums in the 2st position.

If you want to know more about them, I suggest you call Jeffrey Glowacki of Sonic Craft at 940/689-9800; he knows more about caps than anyone I know.
Tin-eared audiofool and obsessed landscape fotografer.

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  • I know nothing about Cardas ICs, sorry. - jeffreybehr 23:42:08 01/11/07 (1)

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