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PS Audio and Shunyata Conditioners

I've gotten several replies concerning Shunayata Hydra Conditioners not sounding different with either one or three & four components plugged into them. I still feel that component isolation is a key factor and that no power conditioning device that powers several components will sound as good as when powering one single component, providing you're system has enough resolution to pick this up. I just received an email from a guy who is using four PS Audio P500 conditioners to supply power to four separate components because he feels that component isolation from conditioners is important in optimizing sound quality. I may try a Shunyata conditioner out of curiousity but I don't expect my findings to change.

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Topic - PS Audio and Shunyata Conditioners - lornoah@hotmail.com 09:33:50 01/06/07 (1)

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