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HELPPPPPPPP!!!!! extending a port for 2nd order assist.

23 liter box.

Fs of driver is 38, Rot is deepest Fb assisted is 2/3 IE 26 hz,

the 'box' is a ~22" sphere (bass duties only in this case) with its baffle facing down, on to a 24 inch circular paver.

IE slot-loaded.

Can anyone suggest -

a height for the loading gap, with the existing port and what effect slot loading would have on the encl's current tuned frequency fb.

And, 'should it' go a good bit lower? Effectively makes the port 1.5 times as long!? Or 1.1 x ?

And, would I need active 2nd order boost to use the new effective tuning?

The port now is 6 cm's ID by 15.5cm - plumbers* UPVC pipe, all inside the encl. the remaining Vb is 23litres.

how long should the port be? to get to 26 hz? - NB taking into acount the slot loading and extending the port OUT of the box. IE we don't lose any Vb IE the 'extension' of it will be outside the box.

I will be using the encl to add .5 bass to an existing 2 way pr - same bass driver - same size spheres.


To get a 2(.5) way system, for BDD compensation without a filter in the main pairs feed, and - maybe - to get some additional extension into the lowest octave!

I do have a copy of 'Bullock ...... ' but I can't seem to find what I need to know, given this doesn't meet his assumptions, unless I play with losses or something else.

I could use a 90 degree bend insert to start, but won't the slot-load's gap-height need to increase, with the port across it? I could turn the flow down again with a second bend.

Do 'bends' screw with deep bass?

thoughst etc?


Timbo in Oz
The Skyptical Mensurer and Audio Scrounger

'Still not saluting.'

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Topic - HELPPPPPPPP!!!!! extending a port for 2nd order assist. - Timbo in Oz 18:50:16 01/05/07 (1)

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