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Ignorance is bliss

Sorry to hear about your problems using the CD mat. I have a Musical Fidelity A5 CD player. Got it used and have had it for a good 7 months or so. When I first got it, I was amazed at how smooth and clean the top end sounded; no glare, no digitalisis (is that a word?). Then I got the Grunge Buster 2.2 CD mat. Now I can't listen to the player without the GB. Without the GB, I hear high end glare that I never noticed before. At first I thought I was losing some low level detail by using the GB. Then I did a listening test with my wife. She didn't know which playback had the GB and which did not. After multiple A/B/A's, she would pick the playback with the GB each and every time as the selection that sounded the best to her ears. She thought everything sounded clearer with the GB used in the playback. I convinced myself that even "if" there was any loss of low level detail, there was a gain in image specificity that just made everything sound better. Music simply doesn't sound as pleasing and enjoyable without using the GB. I haven't had any problems with the sticking and staying down. I borrowed an older GB (not the original), which had been used quite a bit, and eventhough the edges wouldn't stick that well, the mat always stayed firm on the disc. (I'll knock on wood [my head] for good luck that I don't have the mat come off in the player and jam the tray.)

And, Steve, at Herbies, is a standup guy. Always treated me fairly. My only complaint is that the 2007 came out less than 2 weeks after I got the 2.2. If I had known a new model was coming out, I would have waited and got the 2007. Guess he needed to get rid of some of the 2.2 inventory before those 2007s came in. Though, to be honest, I wouldn't have thought that a newer version would be all that much better, but it sounds like it is. Maybe one of these days I'll try the newer one and compare. Every product I've bought from Herbies as worked wonders. Some products have been more subtle in the improvements than others, but they've all worked wonders nonetheless.

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  • Ignorance is bliss - hartwerger 06:56:44 12/24/06 (1)

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