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REVIEW: V-Cap TFTF Passive Components

Model: TFTF
Category: Passive Components
Suggested Retail Price: $39.99- $139.99
Description: Teflon Film & Tin Foil Reference Grade Capacitors
Manufacturer URL: V-Cap
Model Picture: View

Review by koa on December 19, 2006 at 13:55:23
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for the TFTF

I replaced the original Auricap coupling caps in my Consonance Droplet CD player with Dynamicap. While the the Dynamicap was better than the Auricap in certain aspects (better extension in the extremes and more detailed), it was worse in certain aspects (not as full-bodied and sounded a little hard in the highs). Overall I thought the difference between the Auricaps and the Dynamicaps were a matter of preference. I called Steve Huntley, of Great Northern Sound Co., for advice on which caps to try, and he recommended the V-Caps. While I had never heard of the V-Caps, I took Steve's advise and ordered 4 of the .1uf 600V teflons and 4 of the 2.0 250V OIMP (space limitations prevented me from getting the Teflon or the 600V OIMP).

I couldn't believe the difference the V-Caps made right out of the box. They were much more detailed, much fuller sounding, much more air, and much more smoother sounding than the Dynamicaps. The V-caps had better articulation in the bass and instruments and voices were much more realistic. I have burned them in for 200 hours now, and they have only gotten better with time. They give you that reach out and touch the performers feeling. I have dabbled in many different caps but none of them can touch the V-Caps with a 10ft pole.

Product Weakness: None that I can think of.
Product Strengths: Detailed, full-bodied, smooth, lively, excellent soundstaging and imaging.

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Mactone MA300 Amplifier
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Mactone X21 Preamplifier
Sources (CDP/Turntable): Simon Yorke S7 turntable and Opus Consonance Droplet 5.0 CD Player
Speakers: Beauhorn Virtuoso with a pair of REL Stantor Subs
Cables/Interconnects: Nonotec Interconnects and Speaker Cables
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz, Classical, Pop, Reggae, Various genres of African Music
Room Size (LxWxH): 25ft x 16ft x 8ft
Room Comments/Treatments: RPG Diffusors, Room Tunes, Argent Lens
Time Period/Length of Audition: 2 weeks
Other (Power Conditioner etc.): Sound Application
Type of Audition/Review: Home Audition

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Topic - REVIEW: V-Cap TFTF Passive Components - koa 13:55:23 12/19/06 (6)

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