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Re: Determining "poisoning" (long)


Thanks for the informative and detailed insights on this issue. Like yourself I had thought that cathode poisoning was a phenomena of used tubes so I guess we're really talking about "activation" - "sleeping sickness" is another moniker for deadened computer tubes and some tubes now sacred to audio - such as the 5751 - was specifically constructed to prevent this. And my experience with this being a rare phenomena also mirrors yours.

I do regret the vitriol that this topic has generated and a polite response such as yours is really what I expected.

And your don't have to "defend" Jim - if you look at my responses I never disagreed with him that the phenomena was real - I just expected an interesting "give and take" discussion.



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  • Re: Determining "poisoning" (long) - Rob Mercure 10:16:03 08/24/06 (1)

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