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One of the things you might experience after installing effective room treatments are feelings of consternation.
If you're used to hearing muddy sound, increasing smoothness in frequency response and increasing clarity of sound overall can, at first listen, sound "wrong" to you. But only at first.
As you continue to re-listen to your favorite recordings, you start to realize how "muddy" the sound was previously and that you had, over time, gotten used to muddiness in sound.
The new sound can seem slightly "sterile", at first. But as your mind begins to take in the increase in sonic detail and the decrease in sonic muddiness, you start to realize that you were wrong in past assessments.
Just a heads up. If/when you do start to treat your room, be prepared for a slight shock - at least during the first few hours or days of listening.
You might, at first, feel as if you'd wasted your money and you might wish for old experiences to return. But continue to listen on, anyway.
Rebirths of this sort can take a little time, sometimes.
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