Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

Thanks...I appreciate that.

You never know someones intentions on this thing...Yes, I like Cardas
in general. and also Chord cables(not electronics, even though I hear those are good, but my dealer dropped them). The Chord (cable) distibutor is right here in
Dallas, so I'm sure he will have some suggestions. Do you still
have Ninka's? If so, in what system? I have two systems:
Naim CD5/Flatcap2/Nait5/Arivas. and Rega Apollo(on the way), Ayre
Integrated, Ninkas(which may be leaving). I am actually considering
a Magnapan so a very different sound from what I have. I had their 3.something several years ago and liked it. My favorite dealer also carries Spendor which I have mixed feelings about, but will probably listen to again. Only disappointing speaker later is the
Wilson Duet---detail to the max, but something disturbing and/or boring to the sound...I think it is farily pricey too. Anyway, thanks again and happy listening!

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  • Thanks...I appreciate that. - NDalfriend@aol.com 16:27:42 02/27/07 (1)

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