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Re: Peter Frampton

Saw him on what I believe was his first US tour at the NY Academy of Music (J. Geils, if I remember correctly, topped the show). At the time, his touring group was called "Frampton's Camel."

They won over a very impatient crowd that night, and made us sorry to see them leave the stage. Frampton's guitar playing was stellar. He closed with a couple of Beatles covers, which I had never heard anyone else do, and which delighted the crowd to delerium.

He came along at a time when Rock Music had entered a more polished, commercial phase ... he came, he saw and he conquered.

You couldn't describe his music as "seminal" in any way, as you might with many of his predecessors. But he was always a superb musician, and a hugely successful pop composer. The only thing the guy had going for him was talent.

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